You know what they say, love is an action. Also known as sex.
Melissa and Brian revisit last year’s resolutions, then reveal their big 2020 goal (and a few small ones).
Podcasting with Brian for the first time since Penny was born
Christmas Letter 2019
Gary Larson, welcome to the internet
My dream: I dreamed about poop and the upside-down world
I had a whole gaggle of 100-point bucks in my sights, sleeping peacefully on their feet, like cows.
My Verse
Melissa joined Seth Heasley on his podcast, Hugos There, to discuss N. K. Jemisin’s 2005 Hugo winner, The Fifth Season.
Mine and Amber’s sandwich: Wolf and Moon Jelly
Ping Pong Rules
The WCE somehow comes up with 242 Catholic denominations. That should be a big glaring red flag that it has been a bit—how shall we say?—free and loose with the word “denomination.”
My movie: “Cats Poop Everywhere But Not in the House”
My movie: “Insulation Monkey”
In Scorn of Frogs
Six Degrees of Ioan Gruffud
When will I see the Sun?
The funniest word is “hornk”.
My game: “Hippos Are Dead: Bad Guys Don’t Like Animals”
Brian joined Seth Heasley on his podcast, Hugos There, to discuss Susanna Clarke’s 2005 Hugo winner, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.
I can’t help being linear
Josh Wainwright’s bird: the Indignant Dirt Dobbler
The Glory Days
Never knew Pantone had a color of the year!
Brian and Melissa share their top simple pleasures.
Melissa gives 10 tips for mothers trying to train their children to sleep through the night.
My philosophy: When you go through life being amazing, amazing things happen.
For the first time, Brian and Melissa revisit a topic. And they did it with returning guest Megan Hutt, and first-time guest Josh Hutt! Listen as they discuss their favorite actors. How much did Brian and Melissa’s list change? It’s a mega-sized episode after the unplanned summer hiatus.
Daniel’s Razor: The Daniel Special at Sushi Cafe is always better than you expect, even taking into account Daniel’s Razor.
(Apologies to Hofstadter’s Law)
Chik-fil-A Hires Atheists Part-Time in Order to Open on Sundays
The 5 Whys
Case by Case
This is really in-depth. If you want the biggest bang for your buck, just turn off all notifications.
Orange Juice and Coke isn’t crazy!
After some grueling research, Melissa and Brian are joined again by Tim Binzel to discuss their favorite candy bars.
Museum of Websites: A hand-curated gallery of how famous internet companies have changed over time.
Teaching Facebook a lesson! The ethics of whistling at work! The moon landing! Oh, and our favorite movies released before 1960. Just some of the topics Brian and Melissa discuss with Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono, hosts of The Sci-Fi Christian podcast.
Foods we started eating from this article: sardines (still need to find bone-in), seaweed, chicken liver (the paté recipe is great). Also love:
Make a household rule that you have to take at least 7 bites before deeming a food “yucky.”
Matt Koser:
An apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze.
Melissa and Brian are joined by their first returning guest, Zach Koser, to talk about their favorite animated TV shows. Yay cartoons!
I had a whole gaggle of 100-point bucks in my sights, sleeping peacefully on their feet, like cows.
Brian and Melissa recently got into rapster music. They each list their ten favorite rapsters.
It’s a problem if you have more Goodreads friends than books marked “read” on Goodreads
A Celebration of Language
“Friends” Poem
Melissa and Brian list their favorite videos from the sketch comedy group Studio C.