
Christmas Letter 2024

Brian, Melissa

Our neigh­bor­hood park added mon­key bars. Now we’re over­run with drunk mon­keys

№ 183 Desert Island Books

If you could only read 10 books for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Brian and Melissa give the de­fin­i­tive an­swers.

№ 181 Chocolates from This Other Box of Chocolates

Due to pop­u­lar de­mand (both hosts) we con­sume an­other box of choco­lates on air. Is this the worst pod­cast idea we’ve had? How is this a se­ries? Why has­n’t [company name with­held] spon­sored this pod­cast? Ponder these ques­tions and more and you lis­ten to half an hour of chew­ing sounds. Happy Halloween!

№ 179 Apply Sparingly

Brian makes a case for fewer ser­mon ap­pli­ca­tions (and fewer morals at the end of the story).

№ 178 Ambleside Online

Brian and Melissa talk through Ambleside Online, a free Charlotte Mason cur­ricu­lum, and what a nor­mal home­school day is like for the Kosers.

For the Sake of Arguments

№ 175 Films 2023

Brian and Melissa com­pare their fa­vorite films they saw for the first time last year, 2023.

№ 174 Books 2023

Brian and Melissa share their fa­vorite reads and re-reads of 2023.