
What did the pizza say to his wife?

I’m feel­ing ranchy!


My REST APIs are cor­rect 200% of the time


Power through Naming


My idea for a YouTube se­ries chan­nel Butt or Scotch”: I will re­view brands of Scotch whisky. After tak­ing a sip of the Scotch, if it’s good, I’ll say, That’s Scotch!” If it’s bad, I’ll say, That’s butt!”


That is un­ex­pectable!

№ 145 Horror Plans 2021

Melissa and Brian make a list live! I mean, you’re lis­ten­ing to a record­ing, but we recorded it live. We did­n’t make the list ahead of time, is what I’m say­ing. No, it was on pur­pose, not a lack of plan­ning. Jeez. It’s scary movies we’re go­ing to watch in October.

Astro: Static Sites 3.0


From T. S. Eliot’s Choruses from The Rock”:

They con­stantly try to es­cape From the dark­ness out­side and within By dream­ing of sys­tems so per­fect that no one will need to be good.
