
№ 128 Conspiracy Theories (Part 2)

Brian and Melissa wrap up the con­spir­acy the­ory dis­cus­sion. Melissa re­veals the the­ory she be­lieved un­til this year and Brian re­veals the one the­ory he be­lieves.

Koserstag 2020

Brian, Melissa, Lydia, Amber, Penny
№ 127 Conspiracy Theories (Part 1)

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss con­spir­acy the­o­ries in gen­eral, and start the list of their fa­vorites. Part 2 will fol­low in a cou­ple week, un­less they get to us.

Daughter sand­wich song with the girls right be­fore bed


Beating Michael and Esther at Wingspan on our first playthrough

There’s only so many things you can care about in a day, and Josh McDaniels is never go­ing to be one of them.
— Michael Wilbon, May 12, 2020

Creating a con­spir­acy the­ory with Brian about Japan hav­ing faster-than-light space travel!

Against the Octopus

If every an­i­mal is spe­cial, and each one has its own, unique in­tel­li­gence, then why should we be any more en­am­ored of the oc­to­pus than, say, the clown­fish or the clam?

№ 123 Pet Names

No, not cute names for each other: the best names to give a pet. Or a work­ing an­i­mal. Or a plant. Or any­thing, re­ally, who knows what will show up on this list.

Brian sang rock-a-bye-baby to Amber in the voice of the Swedish Chef as he swung her around, and she gig­gled up­roar­i­ously.


Lydia, while you were sleep­ing we tat­tooed a wolf on your butt. And if you don’t be­lieve me, you can go show your butt to your mother and ask her.


I never lis­ten to the haters. And it’s a good thing, be­cause they’re never right.


Brian brought Penny to sit on our bed, and she just started laugh­ing with de­light and shak­ing from side to side in her hap­pi­ness at see­ing us.


Brian beat me by one point in Terraforming Mars, but then as we were putting the game away we dis­cov­ered a card that gave me an ex­tra two points which I’d for­got­ten to count.


Brian play­ing with the girls on the mat­tress–let­ting them walk up his legs, body slam­ming, crawl­ing un­der each other.


Coronavirus Will Change Our Lives


I don’t think Jesus was pay­ing for the bod­ies. Those are a bonus.


Eating lunch at Michael and Esther’s house af­ter play­ing at the park, and Brian just looked so manly and gor­geous.

№ 119 Movies 2019

Melissa and Brian share their fa­vorite and least fa­vorite movies they first viewed in 2019.

It was 8:30 at night, and Brian and I had­n’t eaten. I had wanted to make burg­ers, but it just kept get­ting later and later as we tried to get the kids into bed at a de­cent hour. Finally they were down, but since it was so late I con­sid­ered just scroung­ing. Brian, self-sac­ri­fic­ing that he is, said that would be fine with him. I felt dis­sat­is­fied with how the night was turn­ing out, and af­ter a minute of in­ter­nal de­bate de­clared I was go­ing to make the burg­ers any­way. He looked so pleased, I knew I’d made the right de­ci­sion.


One Sentence From Each of the First 10 Books Read by the Podcast 372 Pages We’ll Never Get Back That Sums Up that Respective Book


Shen Yun per­for­mance with Brian


Playing with Lydia and Amber on Saturday morn­ing, car­ry­ing them in our arms and treat­ing them like ba­bies. They loved it, and were so sweet, cute, and gig­gly.


Naked came I out of my moth­er’s womb, and naked I shall come into the liv­ing room.

№ 118 372 Adventure

Brian self­ishly recorded a pod­cast for him­self and Melissa. And Ben De Bono of The Sci-Fi Christian. And maybe Matt Anderson of The Sci-Fi Christian. Only for fans of the pod­cast 372 Pages We’ll Never Get Back, any­way.

№ 117 Books 2019

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite books read from 2019. And their least fa­vorite.

Goodreads rec­om­men­da­tions need work


Eating lunch with the fam­ily at the table. Everyone was happy and con­tent, eat­ing well with­out com­plain­ing, and we read Little House. It’s the most peace­ful and con­tent I’ve felt in a long time.


Melissa: If every­one in the con­gre­ga­tion is in the choir, who will they sing to?

Brian: God. Boom! Mic dropped.


You know what they say, love is an ac­tion. Also known as sex.


Podcasting with Brian for the first time since Penny was born


Christmas Letter 2019

Brian, Melissa, Lydia, Amber, Penny

My dream: I dreamed about poop and the up­side-down world
