
№ 143 SILOW Volume I: Books

Brian in­tro­duces a new se­ries: Stuff I Learned on Wikipedia. Which ar­ti­cle re­lated to books is the most in­ter­est­ing? Is the an­swer, None of them”?

136 facts every web dev should know be­fore they burn out and turn to land­scape paint­ing or nude mod­el­ling

Excellent list. One of my fa­vorites:

  1. Naming things is fan­tas­tic. Everything on the screen should have a name. It’s bet­ter for your work. It’s bet­ter for ac­ces­si­bil­ity. It’s bet­ter for your de­sign. Take a table view and name it Inbox’, Screener’, or Paper Trail’, and they sud­denly mean some­thing. What you do with them has changed. A good name trans­forms de­sign and ac­tion.

Koser’s Theory of Leftovers: At mid­night, left­overs are re­dis­trib­uted evenly

(E.g., if I eat 4 pizza slices, Melissa eats 2, and there are 2 slices left, we both get 1 slice the next day)

A good sci­ence fic­tion story should be able to pre­dict not the au­to­mo­bile but the traf­fic jam.
— Frederik Pohl
NASAs bold bet on Starship for the Moon may change space­flight for­ever

By bet­ting on Starship, which en­tails a host of de­vel­op­ment risks, NASA is tak­ing a chance on what would be a much brighter fu­ture. One in which not a hand­ful of as­tro­nauts go to the Moon or Mars, but dozens and then hun­dreds. In this sense, Starship rep­re­sents a rad­i­cal de­par­ture for NASA and hu­man ex­plo­ration.

№ 142 Dr. Seuss Books

Melissa and Brian share their fa­vorite Dr. Seuss books. How many of Seuss’s Sinful Six made it onto their lists?!

In the back­ground I heard Amber do­ing a bro­ken record re­peat of a dream is a wish your heart makes.” A lit­tle bit later, Brian came up to show me a pic­ture on his phone and said, A bream is a fish in some lakes.” 🤦‍♀️🙄


Fulfilled” Motherhood
