
Humanity in the First Dune Trilogy

№ 152 Books 2021

We did­n’t read 100, but we did read some books in 2021. Here are our fa­vorites and least fa­vorites.

January 2022 Summary


And the award for Dumbest Emoji goes to…Mx Claus! 🧑‍🎄


What do ba­bies dream about?

№ 151 100 Movies 2022 Planning

This year, Melissa and Brian are go­ing to watch or re­watch 100 films, lead­ing up to a top 10 films of all time list in 2023.

Ignorant men raise ques­tions that wise men an­swered a thou­sand years ago.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
№ 149 Muppet Movies

Brian and Melissa watched all the Muppet movies in 2021. What is the best Muppet movie, and more im­por­tantly, which is the worst?

Brian’s 2021 Year In Review


Synopsis of a post-mid­night con­ver­sa­tion in the Koser house­hold: –You haven’t heard of this pop­u­lar Beatles song? What rock have you been liv­ing un­der? –Christ, the Solid Rock. Boom. Mic dropped, walk­ing away.


Brian: When I was a lit­tle boy, phones did­n’t have screens. You could only call and talk to peo­ple on the phone.”

Lydia: (laughing) What were they think­ing?!”

№ 147 Scary Movies 2021

Brian and Melissa and al­most-reg­u­lars-at-this-point Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono rank the Halloween movies the Kosers watched in October.

№ 146 Dune Movie Review

Brian and Melissa and guest Clint dis­cuss the movie Dune, from the per­spec­tive of a book reader and a non-book reader.