
№ 64 Great Songs

Brian and Melissa choose their fa­vorite songs from The Rolling Stones 100 Greatest Songs of All Time list.

№ 63 Board Games 2017

Brian, Melissa, and spe­cial guest Clint Patterson dis­cuss their fa­vorite board games as of the end of 2017.

№ 62 Books 2017

Melissa and Brian list their fa­vorite (and least fa­vorite) books that they read for the first time in 2017.

№ 61 Movies 2017

Brian and Melissa list their fa­vorite (and least fa­vorite) movies that they saw for the first time in 2017.

Christmas Letter 2017

Brian, Melissa, Lydia, Amber

Still dis­ap­pointed we never got my imag­ined se­quels to Super Smash Bros Melee and Brawl:

  • Super Smash Bros Fracas
  • Super Smash Bros Donnybrook
  • Super Smash Bros Brouhaha

And Google spoils an­other movie. Thanks Google

№ 59 Sodas

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss their fa­vorite brands of soda.

№ 58 Crazy Baby Names

Melissa and Brian list some crazy baby names they found on, then re­veal the name of their sec­ond child!

That time all the Pocket trend­ing ar­ti­cles were about AI

№ 57 Jokes

Brian and Melissa are joined by spe­cial guests Justin and Charity Tolbert to share their fa­vorite jokes.

№ 56 Pet Peeves

Melissa and Brian com­plain about the things that an­noy them the most.

№ 55 Time Periods

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss their fa­vorite his­tor­i­cal time pe­ri­ods.

If we could choose any su­per­power, I’d pick slowing time’ and Melissa would pick telekinesis’. So my power would let me do more work, and hers would let her do less ☺️

№ 54 Disney Songs

Melissa and Brian are joined by Melissa’s brother Tim Binzel to dis­cuss their fa­vorite an­i­mated Disney movie songs. Melissa says at the be­gin­ning, I’m prob­a­bly go­ing to get flak for my list.” Tune in to find out how much she gets!

A penny saved is a sec­ond wasted.


Tim: There’s some cuff links hang­ing from his rear view mir­ror.”

Brian: That’s weird to see in Alabama.”

Tim: I meant to say handcuffs’.”

Brian: Oh. Never mind then.”

№ 53 Pets

Brian and Melissa are joined by spe­cial guest Micah Bucy to talk about their top ten choices for a pet (if money were no ob­ject and they had ser­vants to ac­tu­ally take care of the pet).

If a pic­ture is worth one thou­sand words, a novel is only worth a 3-second video (80,000 words; 80 pic­tures; 24 FPS).


Stay im­plau­si­bly fine

№ 47 Bible Verses

Melissa and Brian list their per­sonal fa­vorite Bible verses.

It’s gonna be one of those lives.


If cap­i­tal­ism runs its course, we’re go­ing to end up with The Gulf of Taco Bell.

№ 41 Movie and TV Moments that Made Me Cry

Melissa talks about ten movie and TV mo­ments that made her cry. Brian talks about ten movie and TV mo­ments that were sad but did­n’t nec­es­sar­ily make him cry.

№ 40 1000 Books

Brian met his 1000 book goal, so he dis­cusses the books he’s read, high­light­ing every hun­dredth book.

№ 39 Sports

Brian and guest host Matt Koser dis­cuss their fa­vorite sports to play and watch.

№ 38 Grunts

Brian shares his ten fa­vorite grunts with Melissa and the world.

№ 37 LOST Moments

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite mo­ments from the TV show LOST.

№ 36 LOST Episodes

Brian and Melissa choose their fa­vorite episodes from the TV show LOST.

I need you to fin­ish that as soon as pos­si­ble. Sooner than that, if pos­si­ble.
