
A Prayer for Trinity Sunday

№ 166 Are AI Alarmists Right?

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss the pre­sent ca­pa­bil­i­ties and fu­ture pos­si­bil­i­ties of ChatGPT and its ar­ti­fi­cial intelligence” brethren, and how alarmists may be wrong with their pre­dic­tions but right with their warn­ings.

№ 165 Book Reviews: Poetics and Sourcery

For the first time in recorded his­tory, Aristotle’s Poetics and Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novel Sourcery are re­viewed in a sin­gle pod­cast episode.

February 2023 Summary


January 2023 Summary

№ 159 Books 2022

Another year of books! Brian and Melissa share their top tens and bot­tom ones from 2022.

№ 158 Films 2022

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite first-time-view­ing films of 2022. Brian is now pre­ten­tious and calls them films in­stead of movies. Melissa has an un­be­liev­able list; num­ber 2 will shock you!

December 2022 Summary


Playing with ChatGPT
