
№ 170 We Affirm One Baptism FEAT Matt Koser

Brian is re­joined by his brother Matt for a dis­cus­sion of bap­tism: credo or paedo? What does bap­tism do? What con­sti­tutes a valid bap­tism? No ques­tions are an­swered, but a rous­ing time was, again, had.

№ 169 Why Charlotte Mason

Brian at­tempts to ex­plain Charlotte Mason’s 20 prin­ci­ples that un­der­gird her phi­los­o­phy of ed­u­ca­tion.

What’s the Name, Please


A Prayer for Trinity Sunday

№ 166 Are AI Alarmists Right?

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss the pre­sent ca­pa­bil­i­ties and fu­ture pos­si­bil­i­ties of ChatGPT and its ar­ti­fi­cial intelligence” brethren, and how alarmists may be wrong with their pre­dic­tions but right with their warn­ings.

№ 165 Book Reviews: Poetics and Sourcery

For the first time in recorded his­tory, Aristotle’s Poetics and Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novel Sourcery are re­viewed in a sin­gle pod­cast episode.

February 2023 Summary
