
Another Nursery Rhyme


My and my guys all sleep on our backs. We call our­selves The Back Sleep Boys.


Idea for an oven com­mer­cial: Hansel and Gretel can’t fit the witch into the mi­crowave

№ 138 Love Songs

Brian and Melissa share their fa­vorite love songs. Their lists are set and never change.

№ 137 Movies 2020

Brian and Melissa cob­ble to­gether a top 10 list of movies they saw in 2020. Let’s just say book year did­n’t leave much time for watch­ing good movies.

№ 136 Books 2020

Brian and Melissa put a bow on Book Year by shar­ing their fa­vorite books that were new reads in 2020.

Git Immersion

A guided tour that walks through the fun­da­men­tals of Git, in­spired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it.

The Cook’s Thesaurus

A cook­ing en­cy­clo­pe­dia that cov­ers thou­sands of in­gre­di­ents and kitchen tools. The sub­sti­tu­tions are the real star.


Ducks made some tape for me.


Christmas Letter 2020

Brian, Melissa, Lydia, Amber, Penny

My dog name ideas:

  • Rufiage
  • Jingle Llama
  • Featherpot

Laughing at the ridicu­lous Year With No Santa Claus” while play­ing Power Grid


Christmas Eve: watch­ing It’s A Wonderful Life” with the girls (their first time), look­ing at lights pro­jec­tor on ceil­ing while ly­ing on mat­tress, eat­ing choco­late, and open­ing the Mom Koser’s gift
