
Christmas Letter 2020

Brian, Melissa, Lydia, Amber, Penny

My dog name ideas:

  • Rufiage
  • Jingle Llama
  • Featherpot

Laughing at the ridicu­lous Year With No Santa Claus” while play­ing Power Grid


Christmas Eve: watch­ing It’s A Wonderful Life” with the girls (their first time), look­ing at lights pro­jec­tor on ceil­ing while ly­ing on mat­tress, eat­ing choco­late, and open­ing the Mom Koser’s gift


Wrapping pre­sents for Ruth with the girls


Lydia lost her key­chain at Publix, I prayed, and God im­me­di­ately an­swered.

№ 134 Wheel of Time: The Big White Book

We con­tinue the Wheel of Time se­ries with Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono on The Sci-Fi Christian pod­cast, dis­cussing The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time”, aka The Big White Book”.

Having an im­promptu romp with all three girls on the mat­tress af­ter din­ner. Tickles, pil­low fights, horsey rides, and wrestling.❤️


My TV shows:

  • Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed
  • Puppy Troll
  • Poodle Snack
  • Kitty Curl
  • Teddy the Bear

You’re the least of my wor­ries.


Lydia tak­ing her first shower by her­self, and en­joy­ing it im­mensely. I love you, Mommy.” Dancing to mu­sic af­ter­wards.


Holland Farm with the fam­ily. The corn pit; strid­ing through the corn maze with Lydia and Ruth; the pic­nic by the car; send­ing Lydia and Amber on the zi­pline, each by her­self; rolling through the big pipe with the girls gig­gling and try­ing to stay up­right; the pic­nic at Bucee’s.


Melissa: I mocked it at first, but I’ve come to ac­cept it.

Brian: Hey, that kind of de­scribes our mar­riage!


Melissa: It’s Friday night, what do you want to do?

Brian: Curl up with a sexy…book. But not Facebook. Facebook’s a hussy.


Folding the church laun­dry with Lydia. She helped be­cause she wanted to.


Singing Do You Want to Be a Bullfrog?” as a fam­ily at the din­ner table (to the tune of Do You Want To Build a Snowman?“)


My band: Wee Wee Wonky Bomb

Harding’s Pompous Phrases
His [President Warren G. Harding’s] speeches left the im­pres­sion of an army of pompous phrases mov­ing over the land­scape in search of an idea; some­times these me­an­der­ing words would ac­tu­ally cap­ture a strag­gling thought and bear it tri­umphantly as a pris­oner in their midst, un­til it died of servi­tude and over­work.
— William McAdoo

In the an­i­mated movie Hercules, I won­der why Disney used the Greek name for the ruler of the un­der­world, Hades, and not his Latin name, Pluto?


Melissa: Ooo, I know what I’ll do for your fu­neral! I’ll re­lease a bal­loon to rep­re­sent your soul ris­ing to Heaven, and it’ll be teal be­cause that was your fa­vorite color–

Brian: No, don’t do that.

Melissa: But as we cel­e­brate your life–

Brian: Celebrate me now, not at my fu­neral! I want you to be sad when I die; I was a cool guy!


Melissa: If I wear that, peo­ple will think I’m gay.

Brian: They won’t think that with a hunk like me walk­ing be­side you!


At the Hutt house, play­ing with Amber and keep­ing Lydia com­pany while she used the re­stroom.


Melissa: He’s got a sexy, smol­der­ing look.

Brian: Yep, that’s what you want in a doc­tor.

№ 131 Cereals: Revisited

The first ce­re­als episode is jus­ti­fi­ably a clas­sic, but this time we’re do­ing it right. Lots of re­search went into this one, but don’t worry; there are still a lot of in­cor­rect choices.

The girls dressed in princess dresses, sweetly singing happy birth­day to me while I lay in bed ❤️

№ 130 Mobile Sushi Restaurants

Do you live in Mobile, Alabama and need sushi restau­rant rec­om­men­da­tions? No? Probably skip this one then.

Brian do­ing a ridicu­lously en­er­getic and hi­lar­i­ous dance to Wiggle Through the Night”, a song on the girls’ mi­cro­phone


Trying to guess the names of clas­si­cal mu­sic tunes; laugh­ing be­cause Brian tried to sound ed­u­cated so many times


Laughing with Brian while watch­ing Baggage” with Jomboy and Jake on YouTube

Github Archive Program

On 02/02/2020 GitHub cap­tured a snap­shot of every ac­tive pub­lic repos­i­tory. Those mil­lions of re­pos were then archived to hard­ened film de­signed to last for 1,000 years, and stored in the GitHub Arctic Code Vault in a de­com­mis­sioned coal mine deep be­neath an Arctic moun­tain in Svalbard, Norway.


A Leaf For My Boo, Adam’s au­to­bi­og­ra­phy


Doing the sand­wich song with the girls, one par­ent hold­ing the feet and the other their hands

№ 129 Cheeses

Melissa fi­nally hosted a cheese party. Brian got a new fa­vorite cheese.