Melissa and Brian return for a new year with their annual new goals!
Christmas Letter 2020
This is dangerous
My dog name ideas:
- Rufiage
- Jingle Llama
- Featherpot
Laughing at the ridiculous “Year With No Santa Claus” while playing Power Grid
Christmas Eve: watching “It’s A Wonderful Life” with the girls (their first time), looking at lights projector on ceiling while lying on mattress, eating chocolate, and opening the Mom Koser’s gift
Wrapping presents for Ruth with the girls
Lydia lost her keychain at Publix, I prayed, and God immediately answered.
We continue the Wheel of Time series with Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono on The Sci-Fi Christian podcast, discussing “The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time”, aka “The Big White Book”.
Scott Rolen hit a homerun for my 10th birthday
We join Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono on The Sci-Fi Christian podcast to discuss Lord of Chaos, book six in the Wheel of Time series.
Having an impromptu romp with all three girls on the mattress after dinner. Tickles, pillow fights, horsey rides, and wrestling.❤️
Can we criticize policies instead of dumb stuff like Joe Biden’s pulpit saying, “The Office of the President Elect”?
My TV shows:
- Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed
- Puppy Troll
- Poodle Snack
- Kitty Curl
- Teddy the Bear
We don’t know the true name of the bear!!!?
You’re the least of my worries.
See when a word was first used in print. Turns out I’m as old as “nano-bot”, “gangsta rap”, and “air quotes”.
Lydia taking her first shower by herself, and enjoying it immensely. “I love you, Mommy.” Dancing to music afterwards.
Holland Farm with the family. The corn pit; striding through the corn maze with Lydia and Ruth; the picnic by the car; sending Lydia and Amber on the zipline, each by herself; rolling through the big pipe with the girls giggling and trying to stay upright; the picnic at Bucee’s.
Melissa: I mocked it at first, but I’ve come to accept it.
Brian: Hey, that kind of describes our marriage!
Analysts find the best scenario for economy emerges when a Democrat is President, but Republicans control Congress.
It depends on what you mean by “the economy”. GDP? Stock market performance? Decreasing the poverty rate?
Melissa: It’s Friday night, what do you want to do?
Brian: Curl up with a sexy…book. But not Facebook. Facebook’s a hussy.
You should never assume that Google is in the right, but Oracle is always wrong.
Folding the church laundry with Lydia. She helped because she wanted to.
Singing “Do You Want to Be a Bullfrog?” as a family at the dinner table (to the tune of “Do You Want To Build a Snowman?“)
My band: Wee Wee Wonky Bomb
In the animated movie Hercules, I wonder why Disney used the Greek name for the ruler of the underworld, Hades, and not his Latin name, Pluto?
So next time someone tells you we shouldn’t be eating food that’s been genetically modified, you can tell them we already are.
Melissa: Ooo, I know what I’ll do for your funeral! I’ll release a balloon to represent your soul rising to Heaven, and it’ll be teal because that was your favorite color–
Brian: No, don’t do that.
Melissa: But as we celebrate your life–
Brian: Celebrate me now, not at my funeral! I want you to be sad when I die; I was a cool guy!
Melissa: If I wear that, people will think I’m gay.
Brian: They won’t think that with a hunk like me walking beside you!
Once again, Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono from The Sci-Fi Christian podcast stop by, this time with book recommendations.
At the Hutt house, playing with Amber and keeping Lydia company while she used the restroom.
Melissa: He’s got a sexy, smoldering look.
Brian: Yep, that’s what you want in a doctor.
The first cereals episode is justifiably a classic, but this time we’re doing it right. Lots of research went into this one, but don’t worry; there are still a lot of incorrect choices.
The girls dressed in princess dresses, sweetly singing happy birthday to me while I lay in bed ❤️
Do you live in Mobile, Alabama and need sushi restaurant recommendations? No? Probably skip this one then.
Brian doing a ridiculously energetic and hilarious dance to “Wiggle Through the Night”, a song on the girls’ microphone
Trying to guess the names of classical music tunes; laughing because Brian tried to sound educated so many times
Laughing with Brian while watching “Baggage” with Jomboy and Jake on YouTube
On 02/02/2020 GitHub captured a snapshot of every active public repository. Those millions of repos were then archived to hardened film designed to last for 1,000 years, and stored in the GitHub Arctic Code Vault in a decommissioned coal mine deep beneath an Arctic mountain in Svalbard, Norway.
A Leaf For My Boo, Adam’s autobiography
Doing the sandwich song with the girls, one parent holding the feet and the other their hands
Melissa finally hosted a cheese party. Brian got a new favorite cheese.