
Our neigh­bor­hood park added mon­key bars. Now we’re over­run with drunk mon­keys


A blup is a bad baby”.


And the award for Dumbest Emoji goes to…Mx Claus! 🧑‍🎄


What do ba­bies dream about?

Ignorant men raise ques­tions that wise men an­swered a thou­sand years ago.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Synopsis of a post-mid­night con­ver­sa­tion in the Koser house­hold: –You haven’t heard of this pop­u­lar Beatles song? What rock have you been liv­ing un­der? –Christ, the Solid Rock. Boom. Mic dropped, walk­ing away.


Brian: When I was a lit­tle boy, phones did­n’t have screens. You could only call and talk to peo­ple on the phone.”

Lydia: (laughing) What were they think­ing?!”


What did the pizza say to his wife?

I’m feel­ing ranchy!


My REST APIs are cor­rect 200% of the time


My idea for a YouTube se­ries chan­nel Butt or Scotch”: I will re­view brands of Scotch whisky. After tak­ing a sip of the Scotch, if it’s good, I’ll say, That’s Scotch!” If it’s bad, I’ll say, That’s butt!”


That is un­ex­pectable!


From T. S. Eliot’s Choruses from The Rock”:

They con­stantly try to es­cape From the dark­ness out­side and within By dream­ing of sys­tems so per­fect that no one will need to be good.


Amber’s nick­name: Pork Snorpy

Own the Tools

David started us­ing a pa­per dic­tio­nary:

My only re­gret is not re­al­iz­ing sooner how much I value qual­i­ties other than speed in my dic­tio­nary­ing — clean­li­ness, trans­parency, loy­alty to my best in­ter­ests, not to men­tion the re­fresh­ing phys­i­cal­ity of the whole thing.


Lydia’s ver­sion of Hush Little Baby:

Hush my little baby
Don’t you cry
Daddy’s going to buy you a popping sleigh
If that popping sleigh pops away, 
Daddy’s going to buy you a goat with hay
If that goat eats all that hay,
Daddy’s going to buy you a diamond ring. 
If that diamond ring breaks to brass
Daddy’s going to buy you a cup of clear glass. 
If that cup breaks again
Daddy’s going to buy you a baby hen. 
If that hen had some chicks
Daddy will buy you a clock that ticks. 
If that clock doesn’t wake you up
Daddy’s going to buy you a rabbit skin. 
There is nothing wrong about that
So we’ll eat it up. 
Daddy’s going to buy you a hat.


If I were a My Little Pony, I would have a pur­ple body and curly yel­low hair. My name would be Daffil” and I would be a hair­dresser, so my cutie mark would be a blow dryer.


Tim: What’s that song you’re singing, Brian?”

Melissa: It’s from Wilbur’s Spider’.”

Brian: …You mean Charlotte’s Web’?”


My cat name: Wobbleton

136 facts every web dev should know be­fore they burn out and turn to land­scape paint­ing or nude mod­el­ling

Excellent list. One of my fa­vorites:

  1. Naming things is fan­tas­tic. Everything on the screen should have a name. It’s bet­ter for your work. It’s bet­ter for ac­ces­si­bil­ity. It’s bet­ter for your de­sign. Take a table view and name it Inbox’, Screener’, or Paper Trail’, and they sud­denly mean some­thing. What you do with them has changed. A good name trans­forms de­sign and ac­tion.

Koser’s Theory of Leftovers: At mid­night, left­overs are re­dis­trib­uted evenly

(E.g., if I eat 4 pizza slices, Melissa eats 2, and there are 2 slices left, we both get 1 slice the next day)

A good sci­ence fic­tion story should be able to pre­dict not the au­to­mo­bile but the traf­fic jam.
— Frederik Pohl
NASAs bold bet on Starship for the Moon may change space­flight for­ever

By bet­ting on Starship, which en­tails a host of de­vel­op­ment risks, NASA is tak­ing a chance on what would be a much brighter fu­ture. One in which not a hand­ful of as­tro­nauts go to the Moon or Mars, but dozens and then hun­dreds. In this sense, Starship rep­re­sents a rad­i­cal de­par­ture for NASA and hu­man ex­plo­ration.


In the back­ground I heard Amber do­ing a bro­ken record re­peat of a dream is a wish your heart makes.” A lit­tle bit later, Brian came up to show me a pic­ture on his phone and said, A bream is a fish in some lakes.” 🤦‍♀️🙄


My and my guys all sleep on our backs. We call our­selves The Back Sleep Boys.


Idea for an oven com­mer­cial: Hansel and Gretel can’t fit the witch into the mi­crowave

Git Immersion

A guided tour that walks through the fun­da­men­tals of Git, in­spired by the premise that to know a thing is to do it.

The Cook’s Thesaurus

A cook­ing en­cy­clo­pe­dia that cov­ers thou­sands of in­gre­di­ents and kitchen tools. The sub­sti­tu­tions are the real star.


Ducks made some tape for me.


My dog name ideas:

  • Rufiage
  • Jingle Llama
  • Featherpot

Laughing at the ridicu­lous Year With No Santa Claus” while play­ing Power Grid


Christmas Eve: watch­ing It’s A Wonderful Life” with the girls (their first time), look­ing at lights pro­jec­tor on ceil­ing while ly­ing on mat­tress, eat­ing choco­late, and open­ing the Mom Koser’s gift


Wrapping pre­sents for Ruth with the girls


Lydia lost her key­chain at Publix, I prayed, and God im­me­di­ately an­swered.


Having an im­promptu romp with all three girls on the mat­tress af­ter din­ner. Tickles, pil­low fights, horsey rides, and wrestling.❤️


My TV shows:

  • Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed
  • Puppy Troll
  • Poodle Snack
  • Kitty Curl
  • Teddy the Bear

You’re the least of my wor­ries.


Lydia tak­ing her first shower by her­self, and en­joy­ing it im­mensely. I love you, Mommy.” Dancing to mu­sic af­ter­wards.


Holland Farm with the fam­ily. The corn pit; strid­ing through the corn maze with Lydia and Ruth; the pic­nic by the car; send­ing Lydia and Amber on the zi­pline, each by her­self; rolling through the big pipe with the girls gig­gling and try­ing to stay up­right; the pic­nic at Bucee’s.


Melissa: I mocked it at first, but I’ve come to ac­cept it.

Brian: Hey, that kind of de­scribes our mar­riage!


Melissa: It’s Friday night, what do you want to do?

Brian: Curl up with a sexy…book. But not Facebook. Facebook’s a hussy.


Folding the church laun­dry with Lydia. She helped be­cause she wanted to.


Singing Do You Want to Be a Bullfrog?” as a fam­ily at the din­ner table (to the tune of Do You Want To Build a Snowman?“)


My band: Wee Wee Wonky Bomb

Harding’s Pompous Phrases
His [President Warren G. Harding’s] speeches left the im­pres­sion of an army of pompous phrases mov­ing over the land­scape in search of an idea; some­times these me­an­der­ing words would ac­tu­ally cap­ture a strag­gling thought and bear it tri­umphantly as a pris­oner in their midst, un­til it died of servi­tude and over­work.
— William McAdoo

In the an­i­mated movie Hercules, I won­der why Disney used the Greek name for the ruler of the un­der­world, Hades, and not his Latin name, Pluto?


Melissa: Ooo, I know what I’ll do for your fu­neral! I’ll re­lease a bal­loon to rep­re­sent your soul ris­ing to Heaven, and it’ll be teal be­cause that was your fa­vorite color–

Brian: No, don’t do that.

Melissa: But as we cel­e­brate your life–

Brian: Celebrate me now, not at my fu­neral! I want you to be sad when I die; I was a cool guy!


Melissa: If I wear that, peo­ple will think I’m gay.

Brian: They won’t think that with a hunk like me walk­ing be­side you!


At the Hutt house, play­ing with Amber and keep­ing Lydia com­pany while she used the re­stroom.


Melissa: He’s got a sexy, smol­der­ing look.

Brian: Yep, that’s what you want in a doc­tor.


The girls dressed in princess dresses, sweetly singing happy birth­day to me while I lay in bed ❤️


Brian do­ing a ridicu­lously en­er­getic and hi­lar­i­ous dance to Wiggle Through the Night”, a song on the girls’ mi­cro­phone


Trying to guess the names of clas­si­cal mu­sic tunes; laugh­ing be­cause Brian tried to sound ed­u­cated so many times


Laughing with Brian while watch­ing Baggage” with Jomboy and Jake on YouTube

Github Archive Program

On 02/02/2020 GitHub cap­tured a snap­shot of every ac­tive pub­lic repos­i­tory. Those mil­lions of re­pos were then archived to hard­ened film de­signed to last for 1,000 years, and stored in the GitHub Arctic Code Vault in a de­com­mis­sioned coal mine deep be­neath an Arctic moun­tain in Svalbard, Norway.


A Leaf For My Boo, Adam’s au­to­bi­og­ra­phy


Doing the sand­wich song with the girls, one par­ent hold­ing the feet and the other their hands


Laughing with Brian while read­ing My Immortal


Is that how we want to raise our chil­dren? As ele­phant racists?


Looks like you’re faced with Sophie’s Choice: do you shoot your peanut but­ter child, or your choco­late child?


Church soft­ball game–Brian hit re­ally well each time at bat, and later got Philip Wedge out be­tween first and sec­ond base.


Daughter sand­wich song with the girls right be­fore bed


Beating Michael and Esther at Wingspan on our first playthrough

There’s only so many things you can care about in a day, and Josh McDaniels is never go­ing to be one of them.
— Michael Wilbon, May 12, 2020

Creating a con­spir­acy the­ory with Brian about Japan hav­ing faster-than-light space travel!

Against the Octopus

If every an­i­mal is spe­cial, and each one has its own, unique in­tel­li­gence, then why should we be any more en­am­ored of the oc­to­pus than, say, the clown­fish or the clam?


Brian sang rock-a-bye-baby to Amber in the voice of the Swedish Chef as he swung her around, and she gig­gled up­roar­i­ously.


Lydia, while you were sleep­ing we tat­tooed a wolf on your butt. And if you don’t be­lieve me, you can go show your butt to your mother and ask her.


I never lis­ten to the haters. And it’s a good thing, be­cause they’re never right.


Brian brought Penny to sit on our bed, and she just started laugh­ing with de­light and shak­ing from side to side in her hap­pi­ness at see­ing us.


Brian beat me by one point in Terraforming Mars, but then as we were putting the game away we dis­cov­ered a card that gave me an ex­tra two points which I’d for­got­ten to count.


Brian play­ing with the girls on the mat­tress–let­ting them walk up his legs, body slam­ming, crawl­ing un­der each other.


I don’t think Jesus was pay­ing for the bod­ies. Those are a bonus.


Eating lunch at Michael and Esther’s house af­ter play­ing at the park, and Brian just looked so manly and gor­geous.


It was 8:30 at night, and Brian and I had­n’t eaten. I had wanted to make burg­ers, but it just kept get­ting later and later as we tried to get the kids into bed at a de­cent hour. Finally they were down, but since it was so late I con­sid­ered just scroung­ing. Brian, self-sac­ri­fic­ing that he is, said that would be fine with him. I felt dis­sat­is­fied with how the night was turn­ing out, and af­ter a minute of in­ter­nal de­bate de­clared I was go­ing to make the burg­ers any­way. He looked so pleased, I knew I’d made the right de­ci­sion.


Shen Yun per­for­mance with Brian


Playing with Lydia and Amber on Saturday morn­ing, car­ry­ing them in our arms and treat­ing them like ba­bies. They loved it, and were so sweet, cute, and gig­gly.


Naked came I out of my moth­er’s womb, and naked I shall come into the liv­ing room.


Goodreads rec­om­men­da­tions need work


Eating lunch with the fam­ily at the table. Everyone was happy and con­tent, eat­ing well with­out com­plain­ing, and we read Little House. It’s the most peace­ful and con­tent I’ve felt in a long time.


Melissa: If every­one in the con­gre­ga­tion is in the choir, who will they sing to?

Brian: God. Boom! Mic dropped.


You know what they say, love is an ac­tion. Also known as sex.


Podcasting with Brian for the first time since Penny was born


My dream: I dreamed about poop and the up­side-down world


Mine and Amber’s sand­wich: Wolf and Moon Jelly


My movie: Cats Poop Everywhere But Not in the House”


My movie: Insulation Monkey”


The fun­ni­est word is hornk”.


My game: Hippos Are Dead: Bad Guys Don’t Like Animals”


I can’t help be­ing lin­ear


Josh Wainwright’s bird: the Indignant Dirt Dobbler


My phi­los­o­phy: When you go through life be­ing amaz­ing, amaz­ing things hap­pen.


Daniel’s Razor: The Daniel Special at Sushi Cafe is al­ways bet­ter than you ex­pect, even tak­ing into ac­count Daniel’s Razor.

(Apologies to Hofstadter’s Law)

Museum of Websites

Museum of Websites: A hand-cu­rated gallery of how fa­mous in­ter­net com­pa­nies have changed over time.

The Definitive Guide to Children’s Nutrition

Foods we started eat­ing from this ar­ti­cle: sar­dines (still need to find bone-in), sea­weed, chicken liver (the paté recipe is great). Also love:

Make a house­hold rule that you have to take at least 7 bites be­fore deem­ing a food yucky.”


Matt Koser:

An ap­ple pie with­out the cheese is like a kiss with­out the squeeze.


It’s a prob­lem if you have more Goodreads friends than books marked read” on Goodreads


Every scene was a post cred­its scene un­til the 1960s


Project name idea: Brianstorm


Oh the huge man­a­tee!


Manatee of man­a­tees, all is man­a­tee.


If I’m ever on the run in Mexico, I’ll use the alias Jorge Curioso”


Mike Moore:

Because he’s a cool dude with great taste and he loves lamb.


The are two hard things in com­puter sci­ence: orig­i­nal­ity and pro­fun­dity.


The li­brary is a gym for the mind.


Case-by-case sen­si­tive


I googled clown names” and was dis­ap­pointed in hu­man­ity


Still dis­ap­pointed we never got my imag­ined se­quels to Super Smash Bros Melee and Brawl:

  • Super Smash Bros Fracas
  • Super Smash Bros Donnybrook
  • Super Smash Bros Brouhaha

And Google spoils an­other movie. Thanks Google


That time all the Pocket trend­ing ar­ti­cles were about AI


If we could choose any su­per­power, I’d pick slowing time’ and Melissa would pick telekinesis’. So my power would let me do more work, and hers would let her do less ☺️


A penny saved is a sec­ond wasted.


Tim: There’s some cuff links hang­ing from his rear view mir­ror.”

Brian: That’s weird to see in Alabama.”

Tim: I meant to say handcuffs’.”

Brian: Oh. Never mind then.”


If a pic­ture is worth one thou­sand words, a novel is only worth a 3-second video (80,000 words; 80 pic­tures; 24 FPS).


Stay im­plau­si­bly fine


It’s gonna be one of those lives.


If cap­i­tal­ism runs its course, we’re go­ing to end up with The Gulf of Taco Bell.


I need you to fin­ish that as soon as pos­si­ble. Sooner than that, if pos­si­ble.


I en­ter a pass­word on my phone to open my pass­word man­ager app so I can get the pass­word for my app that lets me send my clip­board to my PC so I can send a web­site pass­word from my phone to my PC. 😔


You catch more flies with fly­pa­per than with honey.


Steak n Shake: it’s nice enough that you can take peo­ple there, but cheap enough that you can take peo­ple there.


On a scale from e to π, you’re a solid 3.


Lydia: (Pointing at ob­ject) This?”

Melissa: That’s a step­stool.”

Brian: That’s right! It’s called that be­cause Mommy had it be­fore she got mar­ried.”


He would­n’t know a seal if it came up and honked him on the nose.


Don’t feel judged, feel nudged.


How se­ri­ous, on a scale from pud­ding to death?


We’re smok­ing on all cylin­ders now!


My dad:

I like the jib of your chin.


Even a stopped duck quacks twice a day.


A short duck with a sud­den suck


Reading is star­ing at marked slices of a tree, hal­lu­ci­nat­ing vividly.

  • Katie Oldham

My at­tempt at a Wodehousian char­ac­ter ob­ser­va­tion:

He was the sort of man who blew his nose and then ex­am­ined his hand­ker­chief with in­ter­est.


I’m sorry to be the Baron of Bad News


From a Japanese Christmas card:

In this peace­ful sea­son, in these beau­ti­ful days, I de­cide to pre­sent you with my heartly miss and suit­able bless.


I’m the Laura Ingalls Wilder of non­sen­si­cal analo­gies.


I have the hunger of one thou­sand tiny men, each one thou­sand times smaller than an or­di­nary man.


If I be­came a pi­rate in India, I would call my­self, Jolly Rajah”.


I knew you cared, I just did­n’t know how much.


Everyone ig­nores the first R” in February”. I like to add one to make up for it. Frebruary.


Million-dollar idea: kan­ga­roo pants
