
№ 100 Ten to One Episodes

Melissa and Brian cel­e­brate them­selves! For the 100th episode they take a look back at all the episodes that came be­fore, cov­er­ing the best and worst of the past two and a half years.

Project name idea: Brianstorm

№ 98 Christmas Songs

Melissa and Brian share their fa­vorite Christmas songs, just in time for the hol­i­days.

Oh the huge man­a­tee!


Manatee of man­a­tees, all is man­a­tee.

№ 96 TV Show Intros

Brian and Melissa list their ten fa­vorite TV show in­tros. Both theme songs and vi­su­als are con­sid­ered.

№ 95 Pregnancy and Post-Partum Advice

Melissa gives words of wis­dom for preg­nancy and post-par­tum moth­ers. Brian shares pres­i­dent trivia and plays Guess That Medication.

№ 90 Guilty Pleasures

Melissa and Brian list the low-qual­ity movies, TV shows, songs, comics, games, web­sites, and foods that they en­joy.

№ 89 Brand Names

Melissa and Brian give the brand name prod­ucts they pre­fer over other brands or generic.

№ 87 Fantasy Football 2018

On the day the Eagles start off the 2018 NFL sea­son, Brian talks up 10 play­ers that ex­cite him for fan­tasy foot­ball.

№ 86 Earworms

Brian and Melissa try to get as many songs stuck in your head as pos­si­ble!

№ 85 Baby Essentials

Melissa lists her es­sen­tials items to own for par­ents. Brian nods along.

If I’m ever on the run in Mexico, I’ll use the alias Jorge Curioso”

№ 84 Skills

Brian and Melissa fin­ish the tril­ogy they started with Accomplishments and Experiences by list­ing the skills they want to down­load to their brains.

№ 83 Frozen Pizzas

Melissa and Brian ate a lot of frozen piz­zas in or­der to tell you which are the tasti­est and best-priced.

№ 82 Reasons to Read Books

Brian and Melissa list rea­sons why you should read books and end with a chal­lenge to the lis­ten­ers!

№ 81 Frugal Month 2018

Melissa and Brian de­cide to be su­per fru­gal for the month of July. Listen to them brain­storm on how, then stick around for some lis­tener feed­back!

Mike Moore:

Because he’s a cool dude with great taste and he loves lamb.


The are two hard things in com­puter sci­ence: orig­i­nal­ity and pro­fun­dity.


The li­brary is a gym for the mind.


Case-by-case sen­si­tive

№ 80 Sci-Fi News

Melissa and Brian check an item off their bucket lists by ap­pear­ing on The Sci-Fi Christian Episode 657! Check their pod­cast out at thesci­fichris­t­

№ 79 Midwest Road Trip 2018

Brian and Melissa took an epic road trip through the Midwest, and they brought their mi­cro­phone! They recorded at ten dif­fer­ent lo­ca­tions (shoehorn!) and then en­dured the edit­ing process to cel­e­brate their most am­bi­tious trip yet.

№ 78 Cartoon Theme Songs

Melissa and Brian play their fa­vorite car­toon theme songs. How much of a role will nos­tal­gia play?

№ 77 Root Beers

Brian and Melissa hosted a root beer party. Now they’ve made a list of their fa­vorite root beers.

№ 76 Doctor Who Series

Brian and Melissa wrap up Doctor Who Month with a dis­cus­sion of their fa­vorite se­ries (seasons!) …series from the show.

№ 75 Doctor Who Moments

Melissa and Brian con­tinue Doctor Who month by dis­cussing their fa­vorite mo­ments from Doctor Who.

№ 74 Doctor Who Episodes

Melissa and Brian con­tinue Doctor Who month by shar­ing their fa­vorite Doctor Who aliens.

№ 70 Comedians

Brian and Melissa rank their fa­vorite stand-up co­me­di­ans, and share a joke or two from each.

№ 68 Book Titles

Brian and Melissa re­veal the best (and worst) book ti­tles.

I googled clown names” and was dis­ap­pointed in hu­man­ity

№ 66 Proverbs

Melissa and Brian list their ten fa­vorite proberbs from the bib­li­cal book of Proverbs.