
№ 55 Time Periods

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss their fa­vorite his­tor­i­cal time pe­ri­ods.

№ 54 Disney Songs

Melissa and Brian are joined by Melissa’s brother Tim Binzel to dis­cuss their fa­vorite an­i­mated Disney movie songs. Melissa says at the be­gin­ning, I’m prob­a­bly go­ing to get flak for my list.” Tune in to find out how much she gets!

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№ 53 Pets

Brian and Melissa are joined by spe­cial guest Micah Bucy to talk about their top ten choices for a pet (if money were no ob­ject and they had ser­vants to ac­tu­ally take care of the pet).

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№ 47 Bible Verses

Melissa and Brian list their per­sonal fa­vorite Bible verses.

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№ 41 Movie and TV Moments that Made Me Cry

Melissa talks about ten movie and TV mo­ments that made her cry. Brian talks about ten movie and TV mo­ments that were sad but did­n’t nec­es­sar­ily make him cry.

№ 40 1000 Books

Brian met his 1000 book goal, so he dis­cusses the books he’s read, high­light­ing every hun­dredth book.

№ 39 Sports

Brian and guest host Matt Koser dis­cuss their fa­vorite sports to play and watch.

№ 38 Grunts

Brian shares his ten fa­vorite grunts with Melissa and the world.

№ 37 LOST Moments

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite mo­ments from the TV show LOST.

№ 36 LOST Episodes

Brian and Melissa choose their fa­vorite episodes from the TV show LOST.

№ 35 LOST Characters

Melissa and Brian list their fa­vorite char­ac­ters from the TV show LOST.

№ 33 Flavor Combos

Melissa and Brian list their fa­vorite food and fla­vor com­bi­na­tions.

Support Creators: My Media Experience

№ 30 Animated Movie Characters

Brian, Melissa, and spe­cial guest Megan Koser dis­cuss their fa­vorite char­ac­ters from an­i­mated movies.

№ 29 Board Games 2016

Melissa, Brian, and spe­cial guest Jay Champagne dis­cuss their fa­vorite board games as of the end of 2016.

№ 28 Books 2016

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss their fa­vorite books that they read for the first time in 2016.

№ 27 Movies 2016

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite movies that they watched for the first time in 2016.

Support Creators: The Dice Tower


Christmas Letter 2016

Brian, Melissa, Lydia
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