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№ 131 Cereals: Revisited

The first ce­re­als episode is jus­ti­fi­ably a clas­sic, but this time we’re do­ing it right. Lots of re­search went into this one, but don’t worry; there are still a lot of in­cor­rect choices.

№ 130 Mobile Sushi Restaurants

Do you live in Mobile, Alabama and need sushi restau­rant rec­om­men­da­tions? No? Probably skip this one then.

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№ 129 Cheeses

Melissa fi­nally hosted a cheese party. Brian got a new fa­vorite cheese.

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№ 128 Conspiracy Theories (Part 2)

Brian and Melissa wrap up the con­spir­acy the­ory dis­cus­sion. Melissa re­veals the the­ory she be­lieved un­til this year and Brian re­veals the one the­ory he be­lieves.

Koserstag 2020

Brian, Melissa, Lydia, Amber, Penny
№ 127 Conspiracy Theories (Part 1)

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss con­spir­acy the­o­ries in gen­eral, and start the list of their fa­vorites. Part 2 will fol­low in a cou­ple week, un­less they get to us.

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№ 123 Pet Names

No, not cute names for each other: the best names to give a pet. Or a work­ing an­i­mal. Or a plant. Or any­thing, re­ally, who knows what will show up on this list.

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