
№ 145 Horror Plans 2021

Melissa and Brian make a list live! I mean, you’re lis­ten­ing to a record­ing, but we recorded it live. We did­n’t make the list ahead of time, is what I’m say­ing. No, it was on pur­pose, not a lack of plan­ning. Jeez. It’s scary movies we’re go­ing to watch in October.

Astro: Static Sites 3.0


From T. S. Eliot’s Choruses from The Rock”:

They con­stantly try to es­cape From the dark­ness out­side and within By dream­ing of sys­tems so per­fect that no one will need to be good.


Amber’s nick­name: Pork Snorpy

Own the Tools

David started us­ing a pa­per dic­tio­nary:

My only re­gret is not re­al­iz­ing sooner how much I value qual­i­ties other than speed in my dic­tio­nary­ing — clean­li­ness, trans­parency, loy­alty to my best in­ter­ests, not to men­tion the re­fresh­ing phys­i­cal­ity of the whole thing.


Lydia’s ver­sion of Hush Little Baby:

Hush my little baby
Don’t you cry
Daddy’s going to buy you a popping sleigh
If that popping sleigh pops away, 
Daddy’s going to buy you a goat with hay
If that goat eats all that hay,
Daddy’s going to buy you a diamond ring. 
If that diamond ring breaks to brass
Daddy’s going to buy you a cup of clear glass. 
If that cup breaks again
Daddy’s going to buy you a baby hen. 
If that hen had some chicks
Daddy will buy you a clock that ticks. 
If that clock doesn’t wake you up
Daddy’s going to buy you a rabbit skin. 
There is nothing wrong about that
So we’ll eat it up. 
Daddy’s going to buy you a hat.

№ 144 Goodbye, Mobile

We’re mov­ing! The au­dio qual­ity is ter­ri­ble, so if you want to skip this one: we’re mov­ing to Huntsville, Alabama at the end of June. For the fresh start, ad­ven­ture, chal­lenge, more mod­er­ate cli­mate, more out­door ac­tiv­i­ties, etc. We’re su­per busy now but will prob­a­bly be pod­cast­ing again in August.