
Brian’s 2021 Year In Review


First time do­ing one of these Years in Review! I’m sub­ti­tling 2021, Restart”.

Power through Naming


I wake up feel­ing ex­hausted, sore, and old (I’m only 32).

Astro: Static Sites 3.0


This month is my 8-year an­niver­sary of work­ing with sta­tic site gen­er­a­tors.

Koserstag 2020


Known to some as St. Kosers’ Day, Koserstag is a hol­i­day rich with mean­ing and tra­di­tion.

Coronavirus Will Change Our Lives


Friday, March 13, 2020 is when I re­al­ized that COVID-19 was se­ri­ous. (Of course it was Friday the 13th.)

Ping Pong Rules


The International Tables Tennis Federation (ITFF) sets the of­fi­cial rule­set for ping pong, The Laws of Table Tennis”.

When will I see the Sun?


Rain poured down out­side the car, and the lit­tle boy squirmed un­hap­pily.

Six Degrees of Ioan Gruffud


Are you fa­mil­iar with the the­ory of six de­grees of sep­a­ra­tion? It seems that every­one on Earth is within six so­cial con­nec­tions of every­one else on Earth.

In Scorn of Frogs


Bulky and droopy, slimy and gloopy, frogs are a blight to the eye.

The Glory Days


The bold, brave war­rior bel­lowed his chal­lenge as he charged to­wards the dragon, cloak stream­ing be­hind him and sword held high aloft.



I’m tired of be­ing preg­nant,” I thought as I watched my hus­band eat all the sushi he wanted.

The 5 Whys


Have you heard of The 5 Whys? It’s a Six Sigma tech­nique for dis­cov­er­ing the root of a prob­lem.



We’ve trav­eled quite a bit over the seven years of our mar­riage.

Case by Case


this is low­er­case

Christmas Letter 2018


Hello again, friends! It’s been a great year in the Koser house, full of ac­tiv­i­ties that have brought us closer to­gether as a fam­ily.

Support Creators: The Dice Tower


Melissa and I have been into mod­ern board games for a few years now. We’re hov­er­ing at around 100 games in our col­lec­tion, keep­ing about 95% of our pur­chases. The main rea­son for this great suc­cess rate is The Dice Tower.

The Magic Thread


Too of­ten, peo­ple want what they want (or what they think they want, which is usu­ally hap­pi­ness” in one form or an­other) right now.

Personal Website Manifesto


I’ve had a per­sonal web­site for years. Back in col­lege I snagged bri­, put up some short pro­gram­ming ar­ti­cles, and ex­per­i­mented with HTML and CSS.

Support Creators: Inkscape


Inkscape is vec­tor-draw­ing soft­ware. Vec­tor graph­ics are dif­fer­ent than the more com­mon raster graph­ics.

Support Creators: Launchy


Did you know on Win­dows 8 and 10 you can hit the Win­dows key then start typ­ing to search for apps, set­tings, and files? I’ve been us­ing Launchy to do just that since Win­dows XP.

Support Creators: Book Catalog


Hi, my name is Brian Koser, and I have a prob­lem. I can’t re­sist used book stores, used book sales, flea mar­kets…to be com­pletely hon­est I even browse through the used books at Good­will.

Support Creators: Paint.Net


You prob­a­bly don’t need Pho­to­shop. I cer­tainly don’t. For the ba­sic work I do Paint.NET is more than enough.

Podcasting, Start to Finish: How to use a mixer


A mixer (also called a mix­ing con­sole” or mix­ing board”) is nec­es­sary if you record with more than one in­put, like two mi­cro­phones or a mi­cro­phone and an in­stru­ment. It can be in­tim­i­dat­ing to start, so let’s just look at the ba­sics.



She smiled as the sounds of girl­ish gig­gles and laugh­ter fil­tered through the house. Her daugh­ters were hav­ing friends over for a sleep­over and were thor­oughly en­joy­ing them­selves. She was glad every­thing was go­ing so beau­ti­fully.

Support Creators: KeePass


You should never reuse a pass­word. That means a dif­fer­ent pass­word for every com­puter and web­site ac­count you have. If you’re like me, that means over 100 dif­fer­ent pass­words to keep track of.

Support Creators: Dan Carlin


I like books, blogs, pod­casts, and soft­ware. I’ve cre­ated some my­self (no books, prob­a­bly never a book). And I like to sup­port peo­ple who cre­ate things that I like.

Practical Typography


If you use Microsoft Word or build web­sites and have never learned the ba­sics of ty­pog­ra­phy, I’d like you to check out Matthew Butterick’s Practical Typography.

Number or String?


If a value con­tains only nu­meric dig­its, when should you store it as a num­ber in the data­base, and when as a string?

SILO: Snakes on Sticks


I’ve started book­mark­ing the in­ter­est­ing Wikipedia ar­ti­cles I stum­ble on. You’ll see them pop up here with the pre­fix SILO: Stuff I Learned On­line”. En­joy the tid­bits.



This is why I use an ad-blocker:

Pocket Supercomputer


Now that I have a su­per­com­puter in my pocket (cur­rently a Google Nexus 5), life is less clut­tered.

Ten Characteristics of My Spouse


In honor of Valen­tine’s Day, Melissa chose to do this list of things we love about each other. Melissa ranked her list; Brian just al­pha­bet­ized his.

Ten Top Ten Lists


I like mak­ing top ten lists of every­thing. Melissa is­n’t as big on lists (she did­n’t have a fa­vorite color or an­i­mal un­til I made her choose), but I think she’s com­ing around.

Web 2.0(16)


It’s in­ter­est­ing to read Paul Graham’s Web 2.0 ten years later.

ES6: The Future is Now


Last month I gave a pre­sen­ta­tion at work about ES6 (view the slides). Giving your­self two weeks to pre­pare a talk on a sub­ject you don’t know is a great way to learn. 😀

2015 → 2016


Squishy goals are bad. When you set a goal, like a New Year’s res­o­lu­tion, it should be con­crete. In­stead of I’m go­ing to eat health­ier” your goal should be some­thing like I’m go­ing to eat un­der 2000 calo­ries six days per week.”

Programming Punctuation Poem


I’ve been on some­what of a punc­tu­a­tion kick lately, and I re­mem­bered a poem:



I just watched an Inversion of Control course on Pluralsight. I get it now, but I’m writ­ing this down to make sure I get it to­mor­row.

Top Ten Punctuation Marks


I like punc­tu­a­tion marks. Why? Well…maybe be­cause they shape lan­guage so much while go­ing mostly un­no­ticed. Maybe be­cause they’re never spo­ken* and their names are un­known to lay­men, giv­ing them a mys­te­ri­ous air.

Link Digest — September 2015


Here are all the in­ter­est­ing links that I found in September 2015 that I deem wor­thy of be­ing pre­served for the fu­ture.

Browser Wars: A New Hope


Firefox 1.5 is the first browser I specif­i­cally re­mem­ber us­ing (discounting AOL, which was a lit­tle more than a browser). Back then Firefox users were hip, the cut­ting edge. We’ve got tabs, man, so you can visit mul­ti­ple web pages in one win­dow!

Jon Skeet Strikes Again!


Quick back­ground on Stack Overflow and Jon Skeet: Stack Overflow is a web­site where you can ask and an­swer com­puter pro­gram­ming-re­lated ques­tions. Everyone votes on the ques­tions and an­swers, and you get points when some­one votes for you.

Antonio, a Board Game Geek trad­ing tool


If you’re into de­signer board games (you should be!) and you’re on­line (…you are!), then you’re prob­a­bly aware of BoardGameGeek, which is the board game web­site, where afi­ciona­dos dis­cuss, trade, and cel­e­brate all things board gam­ing.

A Complex Query


I’ve writ­ten a lot of SQL, but most of it tends to be pretty sim­ple. Even most of the large queries that I’ve writ­ten aren’t com­plex, they just have a lot of ta­bles and columns to deal with. Probably the most com­pli­cated and in­ter­est­ing query I’ve writ­ten.

12 Reasons I Hate SQL Developer


I don’t like Oracle’s SQL Developer. It’s hard to like a GUI with so many us­abil­ity prob­lems.

Oracle Parameter Precision


When I first started writ­ing Oracle PL/SQL, I tried to de­fine func­tion and pro­ce­dure pa­ra­me­ters in the same way I de­fined SQL table columns.

MVC (My Viewpoint Changes)


Last time I wrote about how much I like the be­gin­ning of a pro­ject. Opening up all the cans of tech and get­ting a big whiff of that new tech­nol­ogy smell…sniff Aaaah. Well, I liked choos­ing the tech­nolo­gies for my new pro­ject so much, that I de­cided to do it again.

Ruby on Rails, I Choose You!


I don’t know about you, but the be­gin­ning of a pro­gram­ming pro­ject is one of my fa­vorite times. And one of my fa­vorite parts of the be­gin­ning is choos­ing the tools.

Loop through Gridview data keys


Today I was adding an Export to Excel” op­tion to a Gridview. I wanted to mark each ex­ported record in the data­base, but it was­n’t im­me­di­ately ap­par­ent how I would do so.