Melissa and I have been into mod­ern board games for a few years now. We’re hov­er­ing at around 100 games in our col­lec­tion, keep­ing about 95% of our pur­chases. The main rea­son for this great suc­cess rate is The Dice Tower.

Brian and Melissa at Dice Tower Convention with Sam and David Healey
Us with Sam Healey, one of the Dice Tower crew

The Dice Tower is the biggest board game me­dia com­pany (at least in English) and cer­tainly the best. They do a pod­cast where they talk about all things board games. Another great re­source is their video re­view chan­nel on YouTube. For most games we’re in­ter­ested in they have a video show­ing the ba­sics of how the game is played and talk­ing about whether or not they like the game.

Another fun se­ries is their Top Ten lists: check out the Top Ten Essential Games if you’re new to the hobby.

For those in­ter­ested in hear­ing about new games on a weekly ba­sis, the most ef­fi­cient way is to watch the Week In Review videos, where the Dice Tower crew gives 15-second overviews of all games re­viewed that week.

For be­ing a great re­source of in­for­ma­tion, as well as some of the kind­est and most fun peo­ple around, I made The Dice Tower our Creator Donation for January 2017.