Are you fa­mil­iar with the the­ory of six de­grees of sep­a­ra­tion? It seems that every­one on Earth is within six so­cial con­nec­tions of every­one else on Earth. For fun, I’m track­ing here the var­i­ous ways I’m con­nected to my fa­vorite ac­tor, Ioan Gruffud.

5 de­grees

  1. My for­mer coworker Bryan has a
  2. girl­friend who worked as a per­sonal as­sis­tant at con­ven­tions for
  3. Ron Perlman, who ap­peared in Pottersville with
  4. Ian McShane, who ap­peared in Man and Boy with
  5. Ioan Gruffud.
  1. My pod­cast friends Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono are pod­cast friends with
  2. Brady Hardin, who ap­peared in Logan (as Brady Lovesou) with
  3. Leo Howard, who ap­peared in Shorts with
  4. Jonathan Breck, who ap­peared in W. with
  5. Ioan Gruffud.

4 de­grees

  1. My pod­cast friends Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono are pod­cast friends with
  2. Jayce O’Neil, who ap­peared in Sudden Death with
  3. Doug Jones, who ap­peared in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer with
  4. Ioan Gruffud.
  1. My coworker Mike is the nephew of
  2. Chris Granlund, who pro­duced Isaac Newton: The Last Magician which stars
  3. Jonathan Hyde, who ap­peared in Titanic with
  4. Ioan Gruffud.

It’s easy to do this your­self if you are con­nected to some­one with an IMDb page. At that point, you can use The Oracle of Bacon, which used to cal­cu­late con­nec­tions to Kevin Bacon, but now cal­cu­lates con­nec­tions be­tween any two ac­tors with Wikipedia pages.