Quick back­ground on Stack Overflow and Jon Skeet: Stack Overflow is a web­site where you can ask and an­swer com­puter pro­gram­ming-re­lated ques­tions. Everyone votes on the ques­tions and an­swers, and you get points when some­one votes for you. Jon Skeet has the most Stack Overflow points, which means he asks and an­swers a lot of ques­tions, and he does it well. He’s be­come a celebrity on the site; you can think of him as the com­puter pro­gram­mer’s Chuck Norris:

Jon Skeet can re­cite pi. Backwards.

So I was on Stack Overflow look­ing up in­for­ma­tion on C# ver­ba­tim string lit­er­als when I came across these an­swers:

Stack Overflow question with two answers, the first by Richard Everett and the second by Jon Skeet
Stack Overflow ques­tion and an­swers

I thought, that’s rare to see Jon Skeet as the num­ber two an­swer on a ques­tion, ku­dos to Richard Everett. And then I clicked the link in Richard’s an­swer, and re­al­ized it linked to a book. An ac­tual printed book. Authored by Jon Skeet.