Inkscape is vec­tor-draw­ing soft­ware. Vector graph­ics are dif­fer­ent than the more com­mon raster graph­ics. A raster graphic like a JPG says, The top left pixel is blue. The next pixel to the right is red. The next pixel…” A vec­tor graphic says, There’s a blue line from the top left to the right of the im­age. There’s a red cir­cle whose di­am­e­ter is half the length of the line.”

Vector graph­ics are su­pe­rior to raster graph­ics for things like il­lus­tra­tions. You know how when you zoom into a pho­to­graph it even­tu­ally gets blurry? That’s be­cause you’re just mak­ing the pix­els big­ger. A vec­tor graphic is just a de­scrip­tion of how to build an im­age, so you can zoom for­ever with­out get­ting blurry; the im­age will just re-draw at the new size.

Inkscape is re­ally the only game in town for free vec­tor draw­ing. I’ve used it for things like the logo of our pod­cast, Ten to One. That’s why I do­nated my October cre­ators do­na­tion to Inkscape.