Last month I gave a pre­sen­ta­tion at work about ES6 (view the slides). Giving your­self two weeks to pre­pare a talk on a sub­ject you don’t know is a great way to learn. 😀 But, I learn best when ac­tu­ally build­ing some­thing, so I con­verted thomas to ES6. Now I’m miss­ing the new fea­tures in my work pro­jects, es­pe­cially ar­row func­tions and string in­ter­po­la­tion. I’m not yet sure I’d want to add a tran­spi­la­tion step to pro­duc­tion JS, but I’m def­i­nitely us­ing it on as many fu­ture per­sonal pro­jects as pos­si­ble.