We’ve trav­eled quite a bit over the seven years of our mar­riage. We’ve hit 3 of the four cor­ners of the U.S. (and much in be­tween), taken a cruise to Haiti and Jamaica, and flown to Honduras. We travel be­cause we have fam­ily and friends widely spread around, or be­cause we’re look­ing for new job op­por­tu­ni­ties, or be­cause we like to ex­pe­ri­ence new ad­ven­tures. But mostly we travel be­cause we itch to. After months, or weeks, or per­haps mere days of the same rou­tine, we de­sire some­thing fresh to tan­ta­lize us. We may travel to see that movie we’ve been an­tic­i­pat­ing, or fi­nally get over to a lo­cal friend’s house that we’ve never vis­ited dur­ing our many years of res­i­dence, or even just check out a new store whose sole nov­elty is its new­ness. Why? Because there’s some­thing so de­light­ful about the un­known, so thrilling about be­ing in a new en­vi­ron­ment with new sights, sounds, smells, and sen­sa­tions. Even places we’ve pre­vi­ously been to can be ex­cit­ing, if they’re not well-known or haven’t been vis­ited in some time: a house you’ve just moved into (but haven’t yet un­packed), a store whose mer­chan­dise changes with the sea­sons, a dif­fer­ent street ex­plored on your daily walk. Bored with your life? You need­n’t leave town to ex­pe­ri­ence change. Simply…travel.