
№ 131 Cereals: Revisited

The first ce­re­als episode is jus­ti­fi­ably a clas­sic, but this time we’re do­ing it right. Lots of re­search went into this one, but don’t worry; there are still a lot of in­cor­rect choices.

№ 130 Mobile Sushi Restaurants

Do you live in Mobile, Alabama and need sushi restau­rant rec­om­men­da­tions? No? Probably skip this one then.

№ 129 Cheeses

Melissa fi­nally hosted a cheese party. Brian got a new fa­vorite cheese.

№ 128 Conspiracy Theories (Part 2)

Brian and Melissa wrap up the con­spir­acy the­ory dis­cus­sion. Melissa re­veals the the­ory she be­lieved un­til this year and Brian re­veals the one the­ory he be­lieves.

№ 127 Conspiracy Theories (Part 1)

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss con­spir­acy the­o­ries in gen­eral, and start the list of their fa­vorites. Part 2 will fol­low in a cou­ple week, un­less they get to us.

№ 123 Pet Names

No, not cute names for each other: the best names to give a pet. Or a work­ing an­i­mal. Or a plant. Or any­thing, re­ally, who knows what will show up on this list.

№ 119 Movies 2019

Melissa and Brian share their fa­vorite and least fa­vorite movies they first viewed in 2019.

№ 118 372 Adventure

Brian self­ishly recorded a pod­cast for him­self and Melissa. And Ben De Bono of The Sci-Fi Christian. And maybe Matt Anderson of The Sci-Fi Christian. Only for fans of the pod­cast 372 Pages We’ll Never Get Back, any­way.

№ 117 Books 2019

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite books read from 2019. And their least fa­vorite.

№ 112 Sleep Training Tips

Melissa gives 10 tips for moth­ers try­ing to train their chil­dren to sleep through the night.

№ 111 Actors: Revisited

For the first time, Brian and Melissa re­visit a topic. And they did it with re­turn­ing guest Megan Hutt, and first-time guest Josh Hutt! Listen as they dis­cuss their fa­vorite ac­tors. How much did Brian and Melissa’s list change? It’s a mega-sized episode af­ter the un­planned sum­mer hia­tus.

№ 110 Candy Bars

After some gru­el­ing re­search, Melissa and Brian are joined again by Tim Binzel to dis­cuss their fa­vorite candy bars.

№ 109 Movies Pre-1960

Teaching Facebook a les­son! The ethics of whistling at work! The moon land­ing! Oh, and our fa­vorite movies re­leased be­fore 1960. Just some of the top­ics Brian and Melissa dis­cuss with Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono, hosts of The Sci-Fi Christian pod­cast.

№ 108 Animated Shows

Melissa and Brian are joined by their first re­turn­ing guest, Zach Koser, to talk about their fa­vorite an­i­mated TV shows. Yay car­toons!

№ 107 Rapsters

Brian and Melissa re­cently got into rap­ster mu­sic. They each list their ten fa­vorite rap­sters.

№ 106 Studio C Videos

Melissa and Brian list their fa­vorite videos from the sketch com­edy group Studio C.

№ 105 Board Games Addendum 2019

Brian and Melissa wrap up the board game talk by run­ning through the games they played on the cruise and ex­plain­ing why cer­tain games fell off their top 10 lists.

№ 104 Board Games 2018

Special guests Joe and Heather Wiggins join to dis­cuss their fa­vorite board games of all time. That’s forty board games, plus hon­or­able men­tions, crammed into our longest episode yet!

№ 103 Books 2018

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss the books they read in 2018 in this su­per-size episode: the best, the worst, and plenty of stats. Plus feed­back from Megan and Joshua!

№ 102 Movies 2018

Melissa and Brian run through all the movies they saw in 2018. Hear about the best and the worst!

№ 100 Ten to One Episodes

Melissa and Brian cel­e­brate them­selves! For the 100th episode they take a look back at all the episodes that came be­fore, cov­er­ing the best and worst of the past two and a half years.

№ 98 Christmas Songs

Melissa and Brian share their fa­vorite Christmas songs, just in time for the hol­i­days.

№ 96 TV Show Intros

Brian and Melissa list their ten fa­vorite TV show in­tros. Both theme songs and vi­su­als are con­sid­ered.

№ 95 Pregnancy and Post-Partum Advice

Melissa gives words of wis­dom for preg­nancy and post-par­tum moth­ers. Brian shares pres­i­dent trivia and plays Guess That Medication.

№ 90 Guilty Pleasures

Melissa and Brian list the low-qual­ity movies, TV shows, songs, comics, games, web­sites, and foods that they en­joy.

№ 89 Brand Names

Melissa and Brian give the brand name prod­ucts they pre­fer over other brands or generic.

№ 87 Fantasy Football 2018

On the day the Eagles start off the 2018 NFL sea­son, Brian talks up 10 play­ers that ex­cite him for fan­tasy foot­ball.

№ 86 Earworms

Brian and Melissa try to get as many songs stuck in your head as pos­si­ble!

№ 85 Baby Essentials

Melissa lists her es­sen­tials items to own for par­ents. Brian nods along.

№ 84 Skills

Brian and Melissa fin­ish the tril­ogy they started with Accomplishments and Experiences by list­ing the skills they want to down­load to their brains.