
№ 179 Apply Sparingly

Brian makes a case for fewer ser­mon ap­pli­ca­tions (and fewer morals at the end of the story).

№ 178 Ambleside Online

Brian and Melissa talk through Ambleside Online, a free Charlotte Mason cur­ricu­lum, and what a nor­mal home­school day is like for the Kosers.

№ 175 Films 2023

Brian and Melissa com­pare their fa­vorite films they saw for the first time last year, 2023.

№ 174 Books 2023

Brian and Melissa share their fa­vorite reads and re-reads of 2023.

№ 173 Goals 2024

Not quite New Year’s res­o­lu­tions, but Brian and Melissa dis­cuss plans for the new year, the year of our Lord 2024.

№ 170 We Affirm One Baptism FEAT Matt Koser

Brian is re­joined by his brother Matt for a dis­cus­sion of bap­tism: credo or paedo? What does bap­tism do? What con­sti­tutes a valid bap­tism? No ques­tions are an­swered, but a rous­ing time was, again, had.

№ 169 Why Charlotte Mason

Brian at­tempts to ex­plain Charlotte Mason’s 20 prin­ci­ples that un­der­gird her phi­los­o­phy of ed­u­ca­tion.

№ 166 Are AI Alarmists Right?

Brian and Melissa dis­cuss the pre­sent ca­pa­bil­i­ties and fu­ture pos­si­bil­i­ties of ChatGPT and its ar­ti­fi­cial intelligence” brethren, and how alarmists may be wrong with their pre­dic­tions but right with their warn­ings.

№ 165 Book Reviews: Poetics and Sourcery

For the first time in recorded his­tory, Aristotle’s Poetics and Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novel Sourcery are re­viewed in a sin­gle pod­cast episode.

№ 159 Books 2022

Another year of books! Brian and Melissa share their top tens and bot­tom ones from 2022.

№ 158 Films 2022

Melissa and Brian dis­cuss their fa­vorite first-time-view­ing films of 2022. Brian is now pre­ten­tious and calls them films in­stead of movies. Melissa has an un­be­liev­able list; num­ber 2 will shock you!

№ 155 Potty Training

Melissa’s ten best tips for potty train­ing your lit­tle tyke. Recorded on Maundy Thursday, but not posted un­til Easter be­cause of a kid­ney stone at­tack! Pray Melissa passes it soon.

№ 154 Movies 2021

Only one-third of the way through 2022 be­fore we talk movies we saw in 2021! That’s okay, we talked about most of these in November af­ter we did our scary movie list. You can prob­a­bly skip this one, to be hon­est. Unless you want to hear Brian’s the­ory on how No Country for Old Men is a hope­ful movie.

№ 152 Books 2021

We did­n’t read 100, but we did read some books in 2021. Here are our fa­vorites and least fa­vorites.

№ 151 100 Movies 2022 Planning

This year, Melissa and Brian are go­ing to watch or re­watch 100 films, lead­ing up to a top 10 films of all time list in 2023.

№ 149 Muppet Movies

Brian and Melissa watched all the Muppet movies in 2021. What is the best Muppet movie, and more im­por­tantly, which is the worst?

№ 147 Scary Movies 2021

Brian and Melissa and al­most-reg­u­lars-at-this-point Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono rank the Halloween movies the Kosers watched in October.

№ 146 Dune Movie Review

Brian and Melissa and guest Clint dis­cuss the movie Dune, from the per­spec­tive of a book reader and a non-book reader.

№ 145 Horror Plans 2021

Melissa and Brian make a list live! I mean, you’re lis­ten­ing to a record­ing, but we recorded it live. We did­n’t make the list ahead of time, is what I’m say­ing. No, it was on pur­pose, not a lack of plan­ning. Jeez. It’s scary movies we’re go­ing to watch in October.

№ 144 Goodbye, Mobile

We’re mov­ing! The au­dio qual­ity is ter­ri­ble, so if you want to skip this one: we’re mov­ing to Huntsville, Alabama at the end of June. For the fresh start, ad­ven­ture, chal­lenge, more mod­er­ate cli­mate, more out­door ac­tiv­i­ties, etc. We’re su­per busy now but will prob­a­bly be pod­cast­ing again in August.

№ 143 SILOW Volume I: Books

Brian in­tro­duces a new se­ries: Stuff I Learned on Wikipedia. Which ar­ti­cle re­lated to books is the most in­ter­est­ing? Is the an­swer, None of them”?

№ 142 Dr. Seuss Books

Melissa and Brian share their fa­vorite Dr. Seuss books. How many of Seuss’s Sinful Six made it onto their lists?!

№ 138 Love Songs

Brian and Melissa share their fa­vorite love songs. Their lists are set and never change.

№ 137 Movies 2020

Brian and Melissa cob­ble to­gether a top 10 list of movies they saw in 2020. Let’s just say book year did­n’t leave much time for watch­ing good movies.

№ 136 Books 2020

Brian and Melissa put a bow on Book Year by shar­ing their fa­vorite books that were new reads in 2020.

№ 134 Wheel of Time: The Big White Book

We con­tinue the Wheel of Time se­ries with Matt Anderson and Ben De Bono on The Sci-Fi Christian pod­cast, dis­cussing The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time”, aka The Big White Book”.

№ 131 Cereals: Revisited

The first ce­re­als episode is jus­ti­fi­ably a clas­sic, but this time we’re do­ing it right. Lots of re­search went into this one, but don’t worry; there are still a lot of in­cor­rect choices.

№ 130 Mobile Sushi Restaurants

Do you live in Mobile, Alabama and need sushi restau­rant rec­om­men­da­tions? No? Probably skip this one then.