I’ve writ­ten a lot of SQL, but most of it tends to be pretty sim­ple. Even most of the large queries that I’ve writ­ten aren’t com­plex, they just have a lot of ta­bles and columns to deal with. Probably the most com­pli­cated and in­ter­est­ing query I’ve writ­ten cal­cu­lates dates based on a hi­er­ar­chy of date off­sets.

WITH eventdatesrecursive(eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid, eventyear, eventdate) AS
  SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid, eventyear, 
         (SELECT api.GetSourceDate(eventname, eventyear) FROM dual) AS eventdate
    FROM (SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid,
                 EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) + column_value - 2 /*Gets last, this, and next year*/AS eventyear
            FROM eventdateoffsets
            JOIN table(integers(3))
           WHERE parentoffsetid IS NULL
  SELECT childdates.eventname, childdates.displayname, childdates.offsetid, 
         childdates.parentoffsetid, eventyear, 
         (SELECT calendar.api.GetEventDate(eventdatesrecursive.eventdate, childdates.offsetid, childdates.eventoffset, eventyear) FROM dual) AS eventdate
    FROM calendar.eventdateoffsets childdates
    JOIN eventdatesrecursive
      ON childdates.parentoffsetid = eventdatesrecursive.offsetid
SELECT nvl(overrides.eventname, offsets.eventname) AS eventname, offsets.displayname, 
       nvl(overrides.eventdate, offsets.eventdate) AS eventdate
  FROM eventdatesrecursive offsets
  JOIN eventdateoverrides overrides
    ON offsets.eventname = overrides.eventname
   AND offsets.academicyear = overrides.academicyear;

Recursion, a cross join, a full outer join…there’s a lot of in­ter­est­ing pieces here. Let’s break it down:

SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid,         
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) + column_value - 2 AS eventyear /* Gets last, this, next year */    
FROM eventdateoffsets   
CROSS JOIN table(integers(3))   
WHERE parentoffsetid IS NULL

integers is an alias for a sim­ple func­tion that re­turns a pipelined ar­ray of num­bers from 1 up to the pa­ra­me­ter pro­vided:

create or replace function integers(n in number default null) 
  return number_array pipelined
  for i in 1 .. nvl(n,0) loop
    pipe row(i);
  end loop;

So integers(3) re­turns an ar­ray con­tain­ing 1, 2, 3. table is an alias for a func­tion that con­verts the ar­ray to an Oracle table, which al­lows us to join to it. A cross join (aka Cartesian join) matches every row in table A with every row in table B, so no join con­di­tions are nec­es­sary.

eventdateoffsets is the table hold­ing all the event in­for­ma­tion:

off­setid Number (PK)
event­name Varchar2
par­entoff­setid Number
eventoff­set Interval

The par­entoff­setid is the off­setid of the date that this date is based on. The eventoff­set is how much be­fore or af­ter the par­ent date that the event takes place. This al­lows us to set up re­la­tions from our busi­ness rules like registration al­ways takes place two days af­ter Labor Day” or students can can­cel courses un­til one week af­ter classes be­gin”. The data looks some­thing like this:

off­setid event­name par­entoff­setid eventoff­set
1 Labor Day null null
2 Registration Begins 1 + 00 08:00
3 Registration Ends 2 + 03 14:00

Here reg­is­tra­tion be­gins at 8 am on Labor Day and ends three days later at 10 pm. Notice that Labor Day does­n’t have a par­ent; that will be im­por­tant later.

Back to the query:

SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid,         
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) + column_value - 2 AS eventyear /* Gets last, this, next year */
FROM eventdateoffsets   
CROSS JOIN table(integers(3))   
WHERE parentoffsetid IS NULL

EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) + column_value - 2 gets the cur­rent year (as of this writ­ing, 2014) and adds the value from the in­te­gers table (1, 2, 3) and sub­tracts 2. In ef­fect, this adds -1, 0, and 1 to the cur­rent year, giv­ing us last year, this year, and next year (as of this writ­ing 2013, 2014, and 2015).

WHERE parentoffsetid IS NULL: re­mem­ber in our ex­am­ple how Labor Day did­n’t have a par­ent? This query is get­ting all the dates with­out a par­ent; I call them source dates”. These are our foun­da­tion. Some are hol­i­days like Labor Day and Thanksgiving. Others are dates de­ter­mined by Business Rules which haven’t been in­te­grated into this sys­tem. This part of the query gets all the source dates with an eventyear of last year, this year, and next year. Let’s go one level higher:

SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid, eventyear,
  (SELECT api.GetSourceDate(eventname, eventyear) FROM dual) AS eventdate,
  (SELECT api.GetSourceAcademicYear(eventname, eventyear) FROM dual) AS academicyear  
FROM (SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid,               
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) + column_value - 2 AS eventyear /* Gets last, this, next year */
      FROM eventdateoffsets         
      CROSS JOIN table(integers(3))         
      WHERE parentoffsetid IS NULL

api.GetSourceDate() cal­cu­lates the date for a source date for a given year. It ba­si­cally is a gi­ant CASE that looks some­thing like:

v_StartDate DATE := trunc(to_date(i_Year, 'yyyy'), 'yyyy'); -- First day of the year

CASE p_EventName
WHEN 'Labor Day' THEN
    calendar_string   => 'FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTH=SEP;BYDAY=1MON;',
    start_date        => v_StartDate,
    return_date_after => v_StartDate,
    next_run_date     => v_Date

RETURN v_Date;

api.GetSourceAcademicYear() cal­cu­lates the aca­d­e­mic year (which starts in September when the fall se­mes­ter be­gins) for the event.

Now that the par­ent dates are set, we can de­ter­mine the child dates. Since child dates can be par­ents for fur­ther dates, we need to cal­cu­late the hi­er­ar­chy re­cur­sively:

SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid, eventyear,
  (SELECT api.GetSourceDate(eventname, eventyear) FROM dual) AS eventdate  
FROM (SELECT eventname, displayname, offsetid, parentoffsetid,
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) + column_value - 2 /* Gets last, this, next year */AS eventyear
      FROM eventdateoffsets
      CROSS JOIN table(integers(3))
      WHERE parentoffsetid IS NULL
SELECT childdates.eventname, childdates.displayname, childdates.offsetid, 
  childdates.parentoffsetid, eventyear, 
  (SELECT api.GetEventDate(eventdatesrecursive.eventdate, childdates.offsetid, childdates.eventoffset, eventyear) 
   FROM dual) AS eventdate  
FROM eventdateoffsets childdates
JOIN eventdatesrecursive ON childdates.parentoffsetid = eventdatesrecursive.offsetid

This the the ANSI-standard way of do­ing re­cur­sion. You have a query to cal­cu­late your start­ing data, which is then UNIONed to your de­pen­dent data.

The GetEventDate func­tion ba­si­cally adds the child date’s off­set in­ter­val to the par­ent date’s date to get the child date’s date. It also takes Leap Year into ac­count for dates that are set up to be run on a cer­tain day every year (e.g. Independence Day is al­ways July 4).

  i_ParentDate    IN DATE,
  i_EventOffsetID IN NUMBER,
  i_EventYear     IN t_Year
  k_NewYearsDayEventOffsetID CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;
  RETURN i_ParentDate + i_EventOffset + 
         -- Case statement handles leap year
         WHEN api.GetUltimateSource(i_EventOffsetID) = k_NewYearsDayEventOffsetID
              AND to_char(last_day(to_date('02' || i_EventYear, 'mmyyyy')), 'dd') = '29' /* Is Leap Year? */
              AND i_EventOffset > NumToDSInterval(58, 'DAY') /* Is after Feb. 28? */
         THEN 1 
         ELSE 0 
END GetEventDate;

With the re­cur­sion tucked out of the way in a WITH, the rest of the query is easy.

SELECT nvl(overrides.eventname, offsets.eventname) AS eventname, offsets.displayname,
  nvl(overrides.eventdate, offsets.eventdate) AS eventdate
FROM eventdatesrecursive offsets
FULL OUTER JOIN eventdateoverrides overrides
ON offsets.eventname = overrides.eventname
AND offsets.academicyear = overrides.academicyear;

There is an over­rides table which al­lows any cal­cu­lated date to be over­writ­ten by en­ter­ing a row into the table. I’m do­ing a FULL OUTER JOIN so that the over­ride will cre­ate an event even if it is­n’t set up in eventoffsets.

Phwew! And this is ac­tu­ally a sim­pli­fied ver­sion of the query be­cause there were some busi­ness rules I did­n’t want to get into, just be­cause I wanted to fo­cus more on the SQL. Really though, when you break it down, there aren’t any con­cepts that are too ad­vanced. The dif­fi­culty comes in un­der­stand­ing the query as a whole.