Known to some as St. Kosers’ Day, Koserstag is a hol­i­day rich with mean­ing and tra­di­tion.

Quick Facts

Koserstag is al­ways held first Saturday of June.

All Kosers’ Eve

The day be­fore Koserstag is known as All Kosers’ Eve. Traditionally, we call fam­ily mem­bers (Kosers and hon­orary Kosers), eat pizza, watch a movie, and camp out in the liv­ing room. (Well, mom and dad sleep in bed. The girls camp out.)

Koserstag Traditions

Koser Calendar: Koserstag marks the be­gin­ning of the Koser New Year

Koser Year Animals: each year is rep­re­sented by an an­i­mal. Everyone draws a pic­ture of the an­i­mal.

Everyone wears their fa­vorite color and a tra­di­tional hat.

The Procession of Kosers: a pa­rade through the house to the tra­di­tional playlist

Koserstag Playlist: a playlist of songs, con­tributed to by each Koser

Traditional Artwork: we do por­traits of the fam­ily

Traditional Food: Everyone picks a dish to con­tribute to­ward din­ner. Traditionally, some­thing is grilled.

The Toast: the tra­di­tional toast at the start of din­ner



Date: June 6, 2020 Year of the Panda


Brian: Calypso / John Denver

Melissa: Hoedown / from Rodeo”, Aaron Copland

Lydia: Pöpcørn / Gershon Kingsley (and The Swedish Chef)

Amber: Sesame Street Theme


Powerpuff Portraits, via Powerpuff Yourself

Penny, Amber, Lydia, Melissa, and Brian as Powerpuff characters
Penny, Amber, Lydia, Melissa, and Brian: Powerpuffed!


Brian: Shrimp

Melissa: Corn on the cob

Lydia: Grapes

Amber: Marshmallows

Dessert: Brownie à La Mode

The Toast

To all Kosers, every­where!