Last time I wrote about how much I like the be­gin­ning of a pro­ject. Opening up all the cans of tech and get­ting a big whiff of that new tech­nol­ogy smell…sniff Aaaah. Well, I liked choos­ing the tech­nolo­gies for my new pro­ject so much, that I de­cided to do it again!

Ruby on Rails seems like a great frame­work. I had fun mess­ing around with it, read­ing blogs, do­ing the tu­to­ri­als. Great fun. But it’s June. Almost July. Four months later, and I’m still work­ing through tu­to­ri­als.

This is­n’t re­ally a Ruby on Rails is­sue so much as a tech­nol­ogy-that-I-don’t-know is­sue and a I-don’t-have-copious-amounts-of-free-time-to-learn-this-technology is­sue. I do have a life be­yond pro­gram­ming, and at this point, I just want to start build­ing this web­site. So, new re­quire­ments:

  1. Something I al­ready know, or at least close, so I can ac­tu­ally get the pro­ject done
  2. Something new (to me at least)

And, most im­por­tantly, 3. Something the cool kids are us­ing

Yes, 1 and 2 are con­tra­dic­tory, thank you for point­ing that out. Before you get too smug, let me say that I found what I was look­ing for.


Behold, ASP.NET MVC. Careful, don’t let the sheer power of all those cap­i­tal let­ters over­whelm you. For me, ASP.NET MVC is sort of a com­pro­mise be­tween learn­ing some­thing com­pletely new, like Rails, and us­ing some­thing I al­ready know, like ASP.NET Webforms.

So I’ll be us­ing ASP.NET MVC with Azure. I’ll still prob­a­bly use Ember as well. We’ll see how far I get this time be­fore de­cid­ing to switch to node.js or me­teor or…