Christian. Husband. Father. Reader. Writer. Teacher. Programmer. Podcaster. Brian juggles many hats. When he’s not mixing metaphors, you might find him making lists, exploiting the power of three, or writing in the third person.
Melissa is a housewife by day, taking care of a baby and keeping a house in order. By night, she’s a housewife taking care of a baby and keeping her house and husband in order. In the midst of all that, she still finds time to nerd over games, books, and TV shows.
Lydia is tired because she stayed up late reading a book under her covers last night.
Amber wants to grow up and have her own bakery.
Penny is into sloths, apples, and sloths named Apple.
Susanna might be the silliest Koser yet, an astounding feat.
Verity will stop crying to listen to most music, but especially The Turtle’s “Happy Together”.