Christian. Husband. Father. Reader. Writer. Teacher. Programmer. Podcaster. Brian jug­gles many hats. When he’s not mix­ing metaphors, you might find him mak­ing lists, ex­ploit­ing the power of three, or writ­ing in the third per­son.

Melissa is a house­wife by day, tak­ing care of a baby and keep­ing a house in or­der. By night, she’s a house­wife tak­ing care of a baby and keep­ing her house and hus­band in or­der. In the midst of all that, she still finds time to nerd over games, books, and TV shows.

Lydia is tired be­cause she stayed up late read­ing a book un­der her cov­ers last night.

Amber wants to grow up and have her own bak­ery.

Penny is into sloths, ap­ples, and sloths named Apple.

Susanna might be the sil­li­est Koser yet, an as­tound­ing feat.

Verity will stop cry­ing to lis­ten to most mu­sic, but es­pe­cially The Turtle’s Happy Together”.